So it is thurday my birthday woot woot…. So we are going with a team that came down to help build some new part for the church, going to go scuba diving… I was so excited so we get on this boat that is pretty nice size I am not good at telling sizes but it was big… and we start going and it was about 2 hours on the boat to get to this place we are diving at… so we start going and about 30 mins into the boat ride I start to feel not so good… so I am trying to look out cause they said that makes you not sick so I start looking out and I am still not feelinf the best so thankfully someone had some sea sick medicine so I take some and I when one of the crew members knew it was my birthday so they tell me to come drive the boat so I was like ok yes… so I go to the back and the back is not clam is it like the worse part of the boat so I am driving and I am like nope I am done and at that point I am getting that watery feeling in your mouth when you are about to throw up everywhere so I am like ooooo and stick my head off the side and throw up and I am like ok still don’t feel good so star is like ness are you ok and I am like nope and then I throw up again and that time is was a whole lot…. So I lean back up and I am feeling so so much better so I go in sit near the middle and the rest of the hour and half I was get so I guess I just needed that… haha so we get there and there is 2 groups that go we are all in the 2nd group so we go snorkeling first and it was really pretty to see all the fish the only bad part was it was soooo cold the water was frezzing and then we are about to go scuba dive and I am like man this water is so so cold but I am like ok let do it… hehe so we get in this boat and go away from the boat to this rocky place and they push us off the boat backwards like a real scuba diver I felt so cool!!! Haha but really I did… hehe so we have 2 do these 3 lessons before we go down like if something happens we know how to get the mouth piece back and get the water out and just little stuff…. So I go underwater and it is like maybe like a foot underwater and I am like ok I can breath but it is really weird to breath cause you breath in and out though your mouth and that is so not natural so I was kindda freaking out and he was trying to get me to do the little stuff and I am like no no I cant but finally I clam myself down and I am like ness you are fine you can breath and this is fun!!! Haha so we had 4 people in the group with on guide…. So we go to the bottom and before we get to the bottom star decides she doesn’t want to do it so we are down to 3 people it is me and 2 older men… so we go to the bottom but it takes them like forever to get to the bottom I mean forever so I am on the bottom of the ocean chillin waiting for these men to get to the bottom…. So finally they get to the bottom but the one guy I guess didn’t have enough wait cause he keep floating up and then the other guy when we got to the bottom decided not to go there so now we are down to 2 hehe…. Me and this guy that keeps floating up.. So I am like really cause the guy doent even really swim he just lets the guide pull him… so the guide had my hand in one hand and the other hand the guy had like pulling him down and pulling him along the way I felt bad cause I was swimming but the other guy wasn’t so when we got up to the top the guide was so tired… but it really really awesome to see all the fish and have like schools of fish like right in front of you face like right there… and see star fish and it was really cool… I wanted to see a shark I thought it would have been awesome but I prolly would have freaked out… haha but the sea lions where all swimming with us… it really was an amazing experience and something that I will remember forever… so we get back to the boat and we eat and then I go to the top and one of the crew members tell me to go back down to the eating place so I go down and they had made a cake for me and they didn’t know before that it was my birthday so they had made it out of just stuff they had on the boat so it was like banana bread cake… it was so so so cute I felt really special and they all sang… and it was really awesome!!! Then we started going back and it took longer to get back but it was not really rocky so it was a great ride back we saw the sunset it was amazing…. So we get back at 640 and they said we would get back at like 2 ish so we get back at 640 and we have class at 7 so we ran to the house and changed cause we were all gross and ran to class we were a few mins late but not too many… so then we had class and at the end of class my whole class sang happy birthday and then I got like 2 little presents… a shirt and so lotion is was really sweet. After that we came back to the house and had dinner and then I had another cake it was sooo good and so that is 2 cakes in one day!!! So I had a really good birthday my first birthday away from the family… but it was good, weird but really good!!

So we are teaching English at the church this whole month that is kindda the main thing we will be doing so are first class is on Monday -Thursday for the whole month… so we spend all day preparing for the first class cause we have on idea how many so we show up and there is about 50 people… and there are some people that know no English and some that know a lot so we are like ok well we have to split it up,… so that is what we do on Tuesday we go and we have a beginner class and a advanced class. Me and beth are doing the beginner class there is about 35 people and star and lukus are going the advanced class and there is about 10 people. So it is going really good the only not fun part is doing the lesson planning cause it takes a long time cause it is a 2 hour class so that is super long… so we spend a lot of the day planning for the lesson of that day so we had a awesome first 3 days..

So my dad and chad leaves on Sunday… so they don’t have church until 4 and 6 they have 2 services so we get picked up and taken to the house we are staying with her name is Laura and she is a lady from the church… so we go to her house and it is super nice and we and star are sharing a room on the second floor and there is a balcony and you can go on the roof and look and see the city it is really cool!!! So we get all settled in and then go to church at 4.… it was just really nice to get all settled and stuff before having to go somewhere… I think I am really going to like living at the house it kindda feels like a bed and breakfast… it is really nice

So we pack pack pack and at 1145 the mom and dad come pick us up to take us to the airport!! It was really awesome!! We said our good byes and we were gone… So we get on the plane it is suppost to leave at 200 and we don’t leave till 250 yes we sat on the plane for 50 mins we were suppost to land at 245 so we had sat there longer then the flight… they said it was too heavy I know it was cause mine, stars, and Bethany’s luggage was overweight…. So finally we go and went we get here NO LUGGAGE not anyones in the whole plane cause they said it was too heavy so they took off everyone luggage that is the stupiest thing ever… so they tell us we should get it tonight!! So we leave and go to the hotel and then to CHILIS omg they had a chilis it was amazing tasted just like america it was amazing…. Then we get back to the hotel and still no luggage we call the airport and they have it so we go and pick it up so I was really happy I got all my stuff for the night!!!

We had a youth service on saterday and just hung out played musical chair which I won thank you!!! Haha but it was fun just hanging out and trying to talk to them!! Them we cleaned the church for the missionaries and put rocks down it was really nice to repay them in some way because they had spoiled us with food and internet!! Hehe but it was really awesome to clean and just help them out just with something little like that… Sunday we had church we did the drama and then Bethany spoke about the drama and just shared it was really good then the church prayed for us all and it was a really nice like last day there getting prayers that will help us this next month!!! Back to the casa to pack… I had packing when I know not everything is going to fit that is why my dad is going to bring another bag for me!! Haha This was our last dinner with the family so it was really nice we all sat and talked and then just went around the table and everyone just talked about how much fun we have had and we going to miss each other… everyone cried it was really really sweet!!! The family was my favorite part of Cuenca cause they were just a awesome family that loved God and it was amazing to have met them!! They told us to all to come back with our families for vaca. in the future it was really amazing!! Here is a picture of the Family!
 So a few days when we got to Cuenca we climbed a mountain and a few days before we leave Cuenca we climb another mountain!!! Haha thank the lord this mountain was not as bad as the first one…. Hehe so they told us we were going to go catch some fish and go climb a mountain and cook the fish on the mountain!!! So we were all like sweet that sounds like fun!!! So we get to this pond and we are fishing when I say fishing I don’t mean I really American fishing pole NO it is a stick and fishing line and a hook so nothing to nicely roll in the fish it was fishing line you used you other hand to yank the line to hook the fish then just pulled on the line to bring it in!!! it was so so awesome… I was like a real adventure girl I could survive in the wilderness now!!! Well I don’t like fish so I don’t know if I could really survive!!! Haha But I caught 2 fish that way it was sooooo cool…. Here is a picture of me and one of the fish!!! Oooo you can see the stick and I have the fishing line in my hand that is how I caught it just pulling on the line!!! Hehe I am so hardcore!!
So after that we start up the mountain and it had rained all day not hard but rain and so it was so so muddy like my shoes which I had only wore 2 times were black but it is ok some Ecuadorians cleaned them!!! Haha but it took about hour and half to climb up and we came to this lagoon it was super sweet!!! But the not sweet part is they said it would be cold!!! Well last time we climbed I got hot and they said it would be cold!!! Well when they said it will be cold!!! It WILL be COLD!!! So we get there and it was about 30 degrees and all I had was one sweatshirt and like really thin pants on I was an idot!!! I thought I was going to die!!! And to top it off the wind was blowing and it was raining was I was not really having the best time!!! Ooooo and fish they made all this fish like bone head in all everything they cooked it and everyone was eating it like for real eating this fish that had a head and skin!!!! GROSS…. Well I had a ham sandwich and lot of marlene’s amazing cookies!! So I was ready to go cause I was so cold and they still had some many fish to cook so I just went to a tried to get warm!! Haha but it was lots of fun and beautiful so that was the good part!!! So we were up there for like 4 hours something like that but we finally started heading down and it starting raining more… so I fell and got all muddy it was lots of fun!! But it was a great day of mountain climbing!!!


So it is Thursday and every Thursday we go to the school connected to the church, so have been helping with the chapel services for the little kids. So we go and do the normal songs and silly dances and we do the lesson that we had prepared the day before it was awesome…. Then at the end of the chapel the kids from the class we had helped out in came and gave us all little cards they had made us mine had all there little hands and there name by each of them it was so so cute!!! Just the love that they have for Jesus and they are only 4 it amazes me… Here is a picture with all the little Ecuadorian!!!


So this week is our last week in Cuenca!!! We don’t have a lot planned just the first two days we shopped around for stuff and then on Wednesday we planned or chapel service and the stuff we were doing on Saturday and Sunday with the missionaries…. They have a church so we were planning the services!! SO Wednesday we planned all day and we practiced the drama that we are doing on Sunday!!! The drama is about a girl that has a relationship with God but then all this sin come in between her and God and the struggles the girl had!!! I was going to play the main part but didn’t feel up to it!! Cause I had not felt the best and I was the director telling everyone else what to do so that was good enough!! Haha So that was all the 3 days not that eventful but good for us!!





So for the weekend we went to this city about 3 hours away from Cuenca…. It is a little city that is one of the sister churches of the church we have been working with… On Thursday we meet the Pastor of the church and she tells us that we have 3 services to do in the next 3 days we all look at each other with fear in our eyes and say ok… so we get there on Friday she said when we get there that we don’t really have anything planned so we eat and then she say ok we have dance practice yall are going to do a dance for the church on Saturday… Again we look at each other with big eyes and say ok, well me of course I am like heck yes I said before I leave south america I was going to do a dance in church it was so exciting to me… So we learn this dance that her daughter had made up it was pretty cool I liked it and I had a blast!!! So that was about 2 hours then we go back to the house and start making these little things to give away to the children at the ninos service that next afternoon…. So then finally we go to sleep or TRY!!! Just when I was almost asleep we hear all this yelling and windows breaking and throwing stuff… so I finally am about to sleep thought that so we wake up and have breakfast and we ask them what happened in the middle of the night…. They were like oooo just some riots/protests and I am think just some??? So this morning we are going to this market to talk to kids and tell them to come to church well the market is an hour and half walk away….. Well we thought so we start walking then she sees someone from the church that has a Pepsi truck so she tells his we are going to ride with him… so we try to drive around the protest to get to the market but that doesn’t really happened… come to find out the mountain people are made at the president cause they have bad water and they want good water… so in the middle of the night that dig huge hole in the across the whole rode like 3-4 feet deep and 4 feet wide… and that is the only way for people to go through to this other little city…. Also there were huge rocks and all kinds of stuff to make sure no one driving could get though!!!! So we start walking to get to this market place and we never make it cause by the time we go around all the craziness it was so late that we eat lunch at this mans house and leaves to go back to the church for the children’s service,…. It was so crazy to see all this stuff that these people had done out of angry towards the government!!!! So we try to go back to the church and it takes like an hour to get back and we get back right in time for the children’s service…. So we help with that doing all kind of games and crazy fun stuff… the kids service was about 2 and half hours of craziness…. But then after that we had the adults service that night we had learned that dance for and we get practice the Dance one last time and we go and get ready for the service…. So star preached that night she did awesome… so we did the dance and sang like 100 songs and it was fun… I am so glad I could understand that was the good thing about it…. So we had the service and then we get out like late and go have dinner and go to sleep cause we have a early morning… So now it is Sunday they don’t have service on Sunday so we are going to go to this market so we get to the market and we start talk about God and how he died for us and not really anyone is listening and the pastor gets kindda discouraged but then we get tracks and we go and had them out it is not my favorite thing to hand out tracks cause it is so so impersonal but I know maybe we planned a seed and so someone else could water it later but it is still not my favorite…. So we do that for a little bit then we go to this Inca museums and look around and it was cool to see all this stuff they have found that are year and year old…. So then we went back to the house and ate and go ready to leave… during lunch they told us that no buses where leaving cause of the protests there was no rode’s open… so we are like well we need to get back so we are like great so they are like we will go see if anything is going to happened… so we get to the bus stop and they had one bus leaving but instead if 3 hours it was going to be 5 but and twice as much so 3 dollars….. Haha but they went all these back rode’s that were really small so that was kindda scary… but we finally get back to Cuenca and we didn’t die!!! Haha it was a very eventful weekend that is the best way to describe it!!! hahah