


So for the weekend we went to this city about 3 hours away from Cuenca…. It is a little city that is one of the sister churches of the church we have been working with… On Thursday we meet the Pastor of the church and she tells us that we have 3 services to do in the next 3 days we all look at each other with fear in our eyes and say ok… so we get there on Friday she said when we get there that we don’t really have anything planned so we eat and then she say ok we have dance practice yall are going to do a dance for the church on Saturday… Again we look at each other with big eyes and say ok, well me of course I am like heck yes I said before I leave south america I was going to do a dance in church it was so exciting to me… So we learn this dance that her daughter had made up it was pretty cool I liked it and I had a blast!!! So that was about 2 hours then we go back to the house and start making these little things to give away to the children at the ninos service that next afternoon…. So then finally we go to sleep or TRY!!! Just when I was almost asleep we hear all this yelling and windows breaking and throwing stuff… so I finally am about to sleep thought that so we wake up and have breakfast and we ask them what happened in the middle of the night…. They were like oooo just some riots/protests and I am think just some??? So this morning we are going to this market to talk to kids and tell them to come to church well the market is an hour and half walk away….. Well we thought so we start walking then she sees someone from the church that has a Pepsi truck so she tells his we are going to ride with him… so we try to drive around the protest to get to the market but that doesn’t really happened… come to find out the mountain people are made at the president cause they have bad water and they want good water… so in the middle of the night that dig huge hole in the across the whole rode like 3-4 feet deep and 4 feet wide… and that is the only way for people to go through to this other little city…. Also there were huge rocks and all kinds of stuff to make sure no one driving could get though!!!! So we start walking to get to this market place and we never make it cause by the time we go around all the craziness it was so late that we eat lunch at this mans house and leaves to go back to the church for the children’s service,…. It was so crazy to see all this stuff that these people had done out of angry towards the government!!!! So we try to go back to the church and it takes like an hour to get back and we get back right in time for the children’s service…. So we help with that doing all kind of games and crazy fun stuff… the kids service was about 2 and half hours of craziness…. But then after that we had the adults service that night we had learned that dance for and we get practice the Dance one last time and we go and get ready for the service…. So star preached that night she did awesome… so we did the dance and sang like 100 songs and it was fun… I am so glad I could understand that was the good thing about it…. So we had the service and then we get out like late and go have dinner and go to sleep cause we have a early morning… So now it is Sunday they don’t have service on Sunday so we are going to go to this market so we get to the market and we start talk about God and how he died for us and not really anyone is listening and the pastor gets kindda discouraged but then we get tracks and we go and had them out it is not my favorite thing to hand out tracks cause it is so so impersonal but I know maybe we planned a seed and so someone else could water it later but it is still not my favorite…. So we do that for a little bit then we go to this Inca museums and look around and it was cool to see all this stuff they have found that are year and year old…. So then we went back to the house and ate and go ready to leave… during lunch they told us that no buses where leaving cause of the protests there was no rode’s open… so we are like well we need to get back so we are like great so they are like we will go see if anything is going to happened… so we get to the bus stop and they had one bus leaving but instead if 3 hours it was going to be 5 but and twice as much so 3 dollars….. Haha but they went all these back rode’s that were really small so that was kindda scary… but we finally get back to Cuenca and we didn’t die!!! Haha it was a very eventful weekend that is the best way to describe it!!! hahah

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