So we are teaching English at the church this whole month that is kindda the main thing we will be doing so are first class is on Monday -Thursday for the whole month… so we spend all day preparing for the first class cause we have on idea how many so we show up and there is about 50 people… and there are some people that know no English and some that know a lot so we are like ok well we have to split it up,… so that is what we do on Tuesday we go and we have a beginner class and a advanced class. Me and beth are doing the beginner class there is about 35 people and star and lukus are going the advanced class and there is about 10 people. So it is going really good the only not fun part is doing the lesson planning cause it takes a long time cause it is a 2 hour class so that is super long… so we spend a lot of the day planning for the lesson of that day so we had a awesome first 3 days..

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