So we pack pack pack and at 1145 the mom and dad come pick us up to take us to the airport!! It was really awesome!! We said our good byes and we were gone… So we get on the plane it is suppost to leave at 200 and we don’t leave till 250 yes we sat on the plane for 50 mins we were suppost to land at 245 so we had sat there longer then the flight… they said it was too heavy I know it was cause mine, stars, and Bethany’s luggage was overweight…. So finally we go and went we get here NO LUGGAGE not anyones in the whole plane cause they said it was too heavy so they took off everyone luggage that is the stupiest thing ever… so they tell us we should get it tonight!! So we leave and go to the hotel and then to CHILIS omg they had a chilis it was amazing tasted just like america it was amazing…. Then we get back to the hotel and still no luggage we call the airport and they have it so we go and pick it up so I was really happy I got all my stuff for the night!!!

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