Chapel/ medical missions

So for the next 2 days we did almost the exact same thing, first in the morning we preached at chapel for the high school and jr. high. It was really good and we think that it touched some people well we hope so.

But after that we went down to Parke de Madre, this is where Unison television was holding a medical missions thing for the city it was all free and it was just different things to give them like glasses and they had doctors there to look at the people. But I worked at the ninos tent. We did face painting and gave them lots of candy and free stuff they loved every minute and it was really cool to give back to the city in that kind of way. Then we got to go and eat Mexican food and it was sooooo good I wanted good Mexican really bad but they have nothing here well we thought but we went to this place and I think I ate enough to feed a cow cause it was sooo good. Well then the next day we thought we were going to do chapel for the little kids but we got there and they were like ooo well we already have something planned so we helped them but it was fun and then we had the rest of the day to chill so it was really a good few days with chapel and medical missions.

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