So we are in LONDON!!! WOOT

We have been here for a little over a week now. This last week we have been exploring the city and getting to know it in all its beauty. We got to see things that i have not seen before so that was really awesome. The city is as amazing as i remember it being years ago. We attended a church that we had contact with - The London Family Center and it was really awesome to talk to the members of the church and hear each of their hearts. They have been so amazing to us though they did not really know us. They are the ones that found our house and have been on CALL to anything we have needed. It has been incredible to see how loving they are to us. God has really made a path for the team and I and I know we are going to ROCK this country.  I talked to several people that have been helping us, you could see their desire for reaching the community. It is so awesome that we found the church. They have soooo much they want us to help them with and we are super excited to work with them. I know that us being here is going to be a huge help for them, just to encourage them to keep pushing. We can help them with the projects they are really wanting to get going. I know that God has placed us here for a time, if only to be an encouragement to this church. I know there is so much more that God has for the team. We are trying to get all the contacts in order and see all the awesome things, hopefully, we can be apart of. We are exciting that we might be going to Amsterdam to talk to some other contacts this week. Please continue to pray for us all. I know we are all in need of more finances because the house was WAY more than we thought. So please pray for the money to come in for everyone. We are also further out of the city so it costs more to get in so again that is more money needed for everyone. Thank you for giving already and i know we are going to get all the money because God is here ready for us to move LONDON FOR HIM!!!! :) We are hoping to get internet at the house so we can stay in more contact with everyone. We love you all and thank you!!